Blast into a world of live action adventure and take your REAL-LIFE powers to the next level...and BEYOND!
Super Moverz is a new-age sports, fitness, and character-building program that leverages the power of story, music, and unique equipment to help foster a safe, engaging, and developmentally appropriate movement experience for kids of all ability levels.
Whether in a CLASS, at a CAMP or a PARTY, Super Moverz kids all become part of the ever-growing team of young heroes who like to play hard, have fun and...POWER UP!
Our mission is to share the joy of positive team play, while helping kids build a solid foundation in their: physical abilities, social skills, mental control and overall emotional intelligence.
"After just one class, my daughter could not stop talking about how cool the games were and how she wanted to make her Will Power stronger." - Super Moverz Dad
"The player cards were the biggest hit. All the kids loved trading their cards on the last day of camp and its so awesome that the powers promote things like teamwork and having positive energy!" -Super Moverz Mom
Endless Adventure
Super Moverz has the most amazing adventure games on the planet! With storylines, music, and super cool equipment - kids get swept away into worlds of fun with ever increasing levels of challenge and complexity.
Play with Purpose
All of the adventure games are designed with clearly defined skills and concepts. Kids get immersed in an imaginary mission (like rescuing the power crystal from the Space Monkeys) while improving their sports skills and thinkinig about their actions.
Focus on Character
Super Moverz gives kids a sense of belonging by working together towards the common purpose with the values of: honesty, respect, fairplay and working to help make the world a better place.
Classes are offered at schools, parks and recreations centers.
Classes are typically offered in 8 -12 week blocks that provide a a progression of training adventures. Each game integrates imaginary story lines, synced music, and special equipment sets. Click HERE for more information about Classes.
A Full Week of Non-Stop FUN!
Weeklong camps happen during holidays and summer breaks. Age appropriate programs are offered for all kids. Click HERE for more information about Camps. Two age groups:
Super Moverz - age: 5-7
Guardians - age: 8-11
Young Leaders - age: 12-14
Pick a theme and play for hours!
Popular Party themes include:
Hoppin Heroes
Jedi Justice
Knights and Pirates
Princess Power
and many more...
Upcoming Sessions: for 2024
Feel free to contact us if you would like to have a free demo or bring Super Moverz to your school or community.
June: 10-14/24-28
July: 8-12 , Aug: 12-16
9:00am - 2:00pm
Ryan Park, PV